Faiza Mardzoeki at University of California Los Angles (UCLA)
This filmed stage play highlights the perspectives of women activists of Gerwani (Indonesian Women’s Movement) who were political prisoners from 1965, suffered sexual violence, and were stigmatized for decades as immoral women in Indonesia. During that time hundreds of thousands of members of the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) or those considered close to the […]
Being Indonesian: Not by memorizing Pancasila
This article was published in thejakartapost.com with the title “Being Indonesian: Not by memorizing Pancasila”. Pancasila has become the topic of great discussion, in the social media, in thenewspapers and on TV, and in our political chats. There are many postings expressing concern that Indonesia’s diversity is underthreat and that the Pancasila values have been forgotten. Many […]
Women Continue Local, Global Struggle for Change
This article was published in thejakartapost.com with the title “Women continue local, global struggle for change” Just last year there were over 300,000 cases of domestic violence; almost 70 percentoccurred within personal relations, the Commission on Violence Against Women (KomnasPerempuan) reported. These statistics show that little has changed in over a decade despite the fact […]
Bittersweet Life In Jakarta
This article was published in The Jakarta Post, November 5, 2016 In the early morning of 16 September, 2016 I was heading to Terminal 3 atSoekarno Hatta airport in Tangerang: I was “going back to the village” after 25years in Jakarta. I had spent short periods in Sydney and Melbourne as wellas in our neighbour, […]
Indonesian Women Their Choices Destiny
This article was published in thejakartapost.com with the title “Indonesian women: Their choices, ‘destiny’”. Indonesia has now been independent for 71 years. What has been achieved, especially forwomen? The first thing to note is that there is no discrimination against women in the 1945Constitution, which refers to “all the people of Indonesia”. Since the first […]